Tuesday, October 27, 2009

















“成熟,穩重,動作舉止很有男人味,懂得關心人,很多很多。反正,和我之前見過的人不 同,你很特別。




“普通大學畢業,工作不順心,整天喝酒,發脾氣。對女孩子愛理不理,還因為去夜總會找 小姐,被police抓過。”




“ 她那個人,好像總能看到事情的內在。教我很多東西,讓我別太計較得失,別太在乎眼前的事,盡量待人和善。那時的我在她面前,就像少不更事的孩子。那時真的 很奇怪,倔脾氣的我,偏偏最聽她的話。按照她說的,接受現實,我知道自己沒用,就努力工作。那年年底,工作上 稍微有了起色,我們結婚了。”



“那陣子,因為煙酒弄得自己身體不好。大冬天的,她每天晚上睡前還要給我熬湯喝。那味 道,也只有她做得出。”






“啊,知道了。輸給這樣子的人,心服口服了!”女人無奈地搖了搖頭。“不過我到了她的 年紀,會更棒的。”














1. 当你收到“你干嘛呢?”实际上是想说“我想你了”。
2. 当你收到“呵呵”,多是没笑或者傻笑。
3. 但如果是“哈哈”或者“嘿嘿”,这时你打过去一定是在笑。
4. 说你“傻瓜”或者“笨蛋”其实是关心你,担心你,希望你照顾好自己。
5. 如果是问句结束,其实是希望能和你多聊一会儿。
6. “哦”多半是在敷衍。
7. 但如果是“知道啦”,“收到”,“遵命”之类的则表示比较在意。
8. 有时劝你忙自己的,其实他是口是心非。
9. 把他的傻事,丢面的或失落的事告诉你,是希望你安慰他,开导他,甚至骂骂他。
10. 主动发给你,说明你在他心目中有一定的分量,一般人不喜欢和不在意的人罗嗦。
11. 如果给你起外号,是希望你可以记住他多一点。
12. “我刚到”,“我已经到家咯”说明进屋第一个想到的是你。
13. “你到家了就告诉我一声”,“你到家了没啊?”意思是我要你一定平安了,我不许你有事。
14. 有时不会那么巧就发错给你,可能是他想发给你又实在又没东西发,虽然这样很愚蠢。
15. 收到“转发2人会幸福哦”,是他觉得这条短信很有意思,但是不忍心让你转发给10人,就偷偷把10改成了2。
16. 凡是那种“不转发就会不幸”咒语性质的,他不是没有收到过,但是绝不会转发给你.
17. 有一阵你没有收到过他的短信,但不表示他草稿箱里没有。
18. 如果可能,他晚上不关机就是因为你。

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eternal Universe and Mortal Planet

This scene always appear in my mind, usually before into deep sleep...

Did you guys ever imagine this scene before?

The meaning of this title is "The Universe might be there permanently but planet keep dying and reborn"...

Let's imagine, our Earth will disappear 1 day and we all will vanish but where do we go afterward?
What we will be? How it will be? What will be replace us? Is there other human existing?

There is tons of indissoluble questions for us to find out...

After 100 years of disappear of human, what will this Universe or God create? Will human back to earth again and again continuously?

After 100 thousands years, Universe still exist but how about us? It's a long period to live with and to wait for... What creature will represent human at the moment? Where does our soul go?

When think of it, my heart will chilled with intranquil... Feel like I might disappear 1 day...

With God, maybe we are safe and went to Heaven or Hell but if without God? Where we go?

Human life is short, and we all will leave 1 day without our knowledge...

Thus, I decide to live my remaining life happily and without any regret... Guys, do the same thing... You'll know what am I deliver about now or in future...

Life Happily, forget sadness, do the best you could and No harming people...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Grandpa's Funeral...

9th Oct 2009 :

* The day Grandpa passed away...
* Rush back to hometown for the funeral...
* Once reach need to kneel down from the gate into the house, the coffin just after the door and my cousin is burning the Hell Money in 2 pots...
* Waiting for the shirt and shoes for funeral progress ( I dunno what to called as)
* Get shock when we (cousins) know after wear the mourning dress cannot take shower, wash hair and sleep on bed for 3 days because this is the 1st time... I don't hope this kind of thing happen around me again...

10th Oct 2009 :

* Fold the "Hell Money"
* Preparing for funeral progress about 5pm, everyone was rushing to take shower... I think I taken 2 times or 3 times of bathe before 5pm... Can't stand for sticky body
* Everyone is wearing the mourning dress, Sons and Daughters and grandson (same surname) wear Black, Other grandson (different surname) wear Blue and Grand grandson wear Green... For Sons, Daughters & eldest Grandson wear linen cope and hat while grandson wear long white cope and hat (looks like ... )...
* The Lama is reciting the scriptures for a long long long hours...
* The Lama is bad!!! They make the crying voice and say something really really touched and whole the family is crying there to mourn grandpa... Luckily that is ending, otherwise I will be very embarrass... Between we have break between the moment (before crying)...

11th Oct 2009 :

* Doing the same thing... Lama reciting scriptures
* Walk round by round and pluck the leaves and branches from the tree prepared that represented the sickness with my grandpa and we pluck off all the sickness on him, most of the adult do cry and me as well... Touched by the crying voices again... Damn embarrassing...
* Using Grandpa "mourning plate" to across the "silver bridge" and "gold bridge"

12th Oct 2009 :

* Almost the same...
* We all have to view grandpa for last time on the coffin and Seal grandpa coffin with hammer...
That time was so noisy and horrific... Because of the hammer sound...
*At evening, the Lama use sand and made 2 long dragons and with coins around the bodies...
That purpose is too find the coins in the sand and represent how much Grandpa grant us, but one 1 my cousin say who get the more coins means the more my grandpa care about the person... Eventually my grandma get more than RM10 by coins only...

13th Oct 2009 :

* Wipe grandpa coffin with "Hell Money" ( with water)...
* All my uncle and auntie was crying but I couldn't cry because it was too hot...
* Send my grandpa to the graveyard by walking (half way only, another half by car)
Everyone was crying because that is the last time grandpa with us...
* Reached graveyard and praying for awhile and throw the sand to grandpa tomb...
* Fold "Hell Money" again...

14th Oct 2009 :

* Fold "Hell money" prepare to burn on 15th Oct, for the 7th day of my grandpa death...
* The Sifu say have to go to graveyard tomorrow by 5am and leave at 7am otherwise very scary... All the adults was so scare... haha... included me...

15th Oct 2009 :

* Wake up around 5am and rushing to graveyard...
* Once reached really horrifying... Because no light at all... But when I look at the sky... OMG... the sky is full with stars... I never been seen the sky with tons of stars...
* Praying there and keep kneel down and rushing to leave the graveyard...
* Sleep back, but so weird I keep feel that many people calling me by different time and I do wake up in dream and turned back but I do feel that I couldn't turn back in real life... I think I am half awake or my soul is coming out... Or... Fool by those thing... scare scare...
* Fold "Hell Money" with my cousin from about 11am to 5pm... Non-stop but we do break for 30minutes for lunch... At night been forced to sleep before 11.30pm because my uncle and auntie say grandpa will come back today since is 7th day...

16th Oct 2009 :

* Go to graveyard around 9am... And make a "NIKE" scar on my hand (burn by joss stick)
OMG, that was very very pain... and have to endure for few hours only can go back...
* Once reached home, quickly apply toothpaste on the scar...
* Others are bullshit, not related to this...

18th Oct 2009 :

* Reached home about 5pm... damn tired... never prepare anything to study the next day...
Didn't online for about 1 weeks and 5days...

Thats all... A ri ga to u ko za i mas

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grandpa... Bye Bye... ;<

ByE ByE my beloved Grandpa...

It's kinda hurt for us of your leaving...

But it's good for grandpa for get rid from the pain of sickness... Lung Cancer, 4th Stage...

Caused by Smoke! ( Attention for all smokers)

Death might be an good ending... Get rid from every suffer and pain of being human...

It is not easy to being human, there is too many challenge and obstacle in your life...

I'm so proud to be "Foo" family... Because my grandpa funeral is the grand funeral in the whole village...

We are the biggest family over there... around 81 members ( grandpa's brothers and bro's son, grandson excluded)... Only our family...

How huge it is...